• Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    30 Mins
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Easy Tomato Sauce ingredients


    Step 1

    将一大匙的番茄酱铺在盘粒,放上一片炸鸡,再铺上一大匙番茄酱。重复此动作至材料用完。On a bakingware, put a big spoon of tomato sauce on the plate, and place one pieces of chicken on top, and cover with another big spoon of tomato sauce and repeat for 2nd pieces of chicken.

    Step 2

    番茄酱做法:锅内热油,爆香葱和蒜1-2分钟至香。To make the tomato sauce: Heat oil in a pot, saute onion and garlic for 1-2 minutes.

    Step 3

    加入罐头番茄及番茄酱,搅拌至番茄呈小块状。注入清水小火焖煮。加入调味料,小火煮8-10分钟。Then followed by tomato puree and peeled tomato. Use the spatula to break the tomato to smaller chunks. Then add water to simmer. Add in the seasoning and simmer for 8-10 minutes over low heat.

    Step 4

    将鸡胸肉切成打开成薄片,盖上保鲜膜,用杆滚杆至薄。To make the chicken cook faster : butterfly the chicken breast to thinner. Then use two pieces of cling wrap on top and bottom, pound to flatten it more by using a rolling pin.

    Step 5

    将鸡肉沾上面粉,再沾鸡蛋,最后是面包糠,放入热油炸至金黄色。Prepare flour, egg and breadcrumbs on a plate. Dip the marinated chicken in flour, then egg and lastly breadcrumbs. Deep fry in hot oil till golden brown on both side.

    Step 6

    将一大匙的番茄酱铺在盘粒,放上一片炸鸡,再铺上一大匙番茄酱。重复此动作至材料用完。On a bakingware, put a big spoon of tomato sauce on the plate, and place one pieces of chicken on top, and cover with another big spoon of tomato sauce and repeat for 2nd pieces of chicken.

    Step 7

    最后在鸡肉上面铺上Mozzarella芝士,再撒上Parmesan芝士,放入预热至180ºC的烤箱内,烤15分钟。Then sprinkle mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese on top before put in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC, baked for 15 minutes.

    Step 8

    最后再撒上少许洋芫荽即可。Sprinkle with chopped parsley to garnish and its ready to serve.
